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司法部环境与自然资源司助理部长杰弗里·博塞特·克拉克(Jeffrey Bossert Clark)表示:“在这种关键时刻,公众需要了解如何有效保护自己免受病毒侵害,而非虚假信息。我们必须保持警惕,对未经证实或虚假的声称能预防病毒的产品保持怀疑态度。销售此类非法产品的人应该注意,他们可能会被联邦调查人员发现,并面临强力起诉。”

Jeffrey Bossert Clark, assistant secretary of the Department of environment and natural resources of the Ministry of justice, emphasized the importance of providing factual information to the public during a significant event. He highlighted the need to stay vigilant against unverified or misleading claims about products that can prevent the virus. He also warned that those selling these illicit products could be identified by federal investigators and face serious legal consequences.



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