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Following the simple and vigorous pre-Qin period, the subsequent eras brought forth unique characteristics that contributed to the evolution of Ming style furniture. The Spring and Autumn period was marked by its romantic magic, while the Qin and Han Dynasties introduced a certain elegance. The Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties brought about yet another style, characterized by its Huali Runyan. The Sui and Tang Dynasties favored an exquisite and elegant style, while the Song and Yuan Dynasties introduced furniture with deeper meanings. Finally, the Ming style emerged as a synthesis of these various influences. Six categories of Ming style furniture capture the essence of this elegant and beautiful style, with their shapes and meanings being truly profound.


In Ming style furniture, carving is a popular technique that is utilized in both simple and intricate designs with precision. A key principle in Ming style furniture is the harmony between carving and structure, avoiding false or harmful carving that could compromise the furniture's stability. Various techniques are employed, such as shallow, flat relief, deep carving, openwork, and standing carving, among others, which are often symmetrical in composition and may include patterns.


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经历了先秦时期的朴实淳厚风格,春秋秦汉时期的浪漫神奇风格,两晋南北朝时期的婉雅秀逸风格,隋唐时期的华丽润妍风格,宋元时期的简练隽秀风格,最终形成了明式风格,这一风格注重简练质朴,古雅而精美。明式家具有六种风格,注重形式的宏大和内涵的深远。 …


紫光檀是一种密度高达1.3g/cm³的木材,也被称为东非黑黄檀。它经过加工后的色泽和触感非常像犀牛角,因此也被称为犀牛角紫檀。紫光檀非常坚硬且滑润,切面打磨后形成的包浆非常亮丽,看起来像铜镜般闪亮,表面又像缎子一样光滑,让人联想到美玉。紫光檀的魅力不仅在于它的外观,更在于触感。 …