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The pandemic has deeply impacted the economies of Vietnam and India, leading to the closure of their manufacturing industries. Consequently, there has been a surge in global orders being placed in China. To meet this demand, China's manufacturing sector is operating at full capacity, and suppliers are eager to capitalize on the opportunity. However, this increase in demand has caused prices to rise. Nonetheless, downstream enterprises can tolerate these price hikes due to continuous foreign orders and the ability to receive export refunds. As a result, there has been an uncontrolled expansion of the domestic manufacturing industry. In the pursuit of profits, numerous small factories have entered the market, resulting in an oversupply of goods and excess production capacity. Once other countries recover from the pandemic and restore their manufacturing capabilities, the incremental foreign orders will diminish, leaving domestic factories with surplus production capacity. This situation will ultimately lead to a severe economic downturn, potentially devastating a majority of enterprises.


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