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Rosewood furniture is a representation of Chinese civilization and culture, embodying its rich history and wisdom accumulated over thousands of years. Apart from serving as an identity marker, it also has the unique ability to preserve and appreciate in value over time.

To appreciate furniture's charm, one must possess the ability to understand and perceive it. The easiest and most effective approach to recognizing its attractiveness is by paying attention to one's instincts: does it immediately catch your eye? This represents the metaphysical and ultimate level achieved by rosewood furniture! Additionally, one's inner feelings are crucial in acknowledging the charm that furniture holds.


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圆角柜采用上窄下宽的设计,使其结构更坚固,因此国外称之为“A字柜”,南方则称之为“大小头”。在造型设计上,圆角柜留有适当空间,形成虚实变化,具有活力和自然的张力,给人一种向上移动的感觉。虽然圆角柜外观上没有太多装饰,但整体稳定和优雅,传达出中庸和含蓄的文化特色,体现了儒家的中和、温柔和敦厚的审美思想。 …