ins热门赞 eBay意大利圣诞购物大调查!爆款都有哪些?free Instagram likes no survey

🟨🟧🟩🟦eBay意大利圣诞购物大调查!爆款都有哪些?free Instagram likes no survey🟨🟧🟩🟦


#site_name#获悉,eBay近日发布了一项关于意大利人的圣诞购物调查。调查显示,意大利人平均花费大约300欧元买8种礼物、服装和配饰作为圣诞节购物的 类别。




书籍也是圣诞季的爆款礼品,有42%的意大利人选择了它。在成年人中,更偏向于购买实用类商品,比如家居产品和食品 (36%);游戏和科技产品(35%)一如既往的受男性群体和年轻消费者欢迎,同样受这一群体追捧的还有手办和收藏品(20%)。

Books are also popular gifts for the Christmas season, with 42% of Italians choosing them. Among adults, they prefer to buy practical goods, such as household products and food (36%); Games and technology products (35%) have always been popular with men and young consumers, as well as hand-made and collectibles (20%).free Instagram likes no survey


调查指出,服装和配饰是意大利消费者在圣诞节 想收到的礼物,尤其是女性。而在男性群体中,圣诞期间 为畅销的是科技产品。


小编✎   Irene/#site_name#



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