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亚马逊的Movers & Shakers清单显示,消费者正在追求舒适又时尚的睡眠和家居服。最近,Tmore的扎染女式长袖睡衣套装 在海外走红,迅速成为亚马逊平台上女士睡衣系列的畅销产品之一,位居NO.1。

According to Amazon's movers & Shakers list, shoppers are seeking both comfortable and fashionable sleep and home clothing. A tie dyed Pajama has gained significant popularity internationally and has seen a remarkable surge in sales on Amazon, even reaching the top spot as the best-selling women's Pajama series. This particular Pajama, from Tmore.ins followers, offers a cheap option for women, featuring a tie dyed design and long sleeves.



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